Over the past few years I have struggled with the idea of self branding. Everything I read about building a business advocates for it but I was subjected to the idea that self-promotion was pompous. As my business started to grow and I expanded my influences I learned to embrace the idea. Being a classic over thinker therefore suffering from paralysis by analysis I have struggled and changed my brand name several times. It took finally coming out of the fog I had been living in for me to be grounded, centered and clear-minded. It is then that Essentially Shelley was born and in more ways well beyond a brand name. Given that my primary business is essential oils, essential or a form of it (essentially) made sense and letting people know my name also made sense but there was something more to it for me. According to Webster: es.sen.tial.ly means, in essence: used to identify or stress the basic or essential (absolutely necessary, extremely important) character or nature of a person. Wow! Many things were changing in my life at the time but nothing bigger than the process I am in of reconnecting with my authentic self by discovering not only my own character and nature but furthermore that I am important and necessary. So as you read forward with my blog, you will be able to get to know essentially, in essence, the basic Shelley and what course of action it has taken for me to finally get to know her at 49 years old as well. Do you know your essential self and lead an Essentially_______ life?
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