Three mornings a week my alarm goes off at 4am so I can get to the gym for my training session at 4:30. I have never in my life lifted weights so I need the guidance of a professional to help me know what the hell to do. Todd, the owner of The Gym is excellent and has a ton of patience with me! He is a very hard core serious looking dude complete with bleached mohawk, beard that is braided down to his stomach and is built like a viking but he is a teddy bear and we always find something to have a laugh about (usually me) to get through the grind.
I also never in my life have chosen to start my day at 4 am. In my world that is considered the middle of the night. Even when my babies needed me I would find a way to get back to bed for awhile before the day started. I do usually sneak in a 20 minute nap when I get back until my get ready for work alarm goes off at 6. But even so, I have found that I enjoy getting up and at ’em early and actually feel better throughout the day. I was in the bad habit of turning on the TV when I woke up and laying in bed surfing social media for sometimes hours before my feet ever hit the floor which usually gave me brain fog and made me feel lazy before the morning was over.
I am thrilled with my new routine and workout not only because I feel better physically but because it’s another change for the better that I am making for myself to grow in new directions. No matter your age or stage don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try something different, you never know it may turn out to be your new passion.
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